Our Capabilities
We specialize in PCB manufacturing and quick turn PCB prototype fabrication.

Looking for PCB Manufacturers?
Look no further, Avanti Circuits provides high quality USA made quick turn PCB Manufacturing
We understand how important it is to our customers that we deliver their PCB’s on time, so they can launch their product faster and more efficiently. As a leading PCB supplier, we have diverse capabilities for any type of PCB Fabrication challenge that you can throw at us. As a PCB company, we have over thirty one years of experience providing simple and full prototype printed circuit boards for thousands of businesses around the world. We can manufacture up to five thousand Full production printed circuit boards without NRE minimums or contracts. This provides your company with more flexibility and options for your PCB fabrication specifications.
Need a high quality PCB prototype and production with quick turnaround?
Request a custom quote or contact us at (888) 595-8876 between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Mon-Fri.
Request a custom quoteAvanti Circuits PCB manufacturing capabilities
We accept PCB files in Gerber 274X file format. All PCB files should be sent in a zip-format and sending a readme file is recommended.
Layer Count
- 0 to 24 Layers
- FR4 (Tg - 135C, 145C, 170C)
- Rogers Ultralam 2000
- Rogers RO4350
- Rogers RO4003
- Polyimide
- Teflon
- Black FR4
- Arlon AR350
- Getek Copper Clad Thermal Substrates
- Hybrid (Rogers and FR4) BT Epoxy
- Nelco 4013
- Thermo Set and PSA Based Aluminum
- FR4
- Polymide
- Stainless Steel
- Teflon
- Polyimide
- Arlon AR350
- Black FR4
- Hybrid (Rogers and FR4) BT Epoxy
- Getek Copper Clad Thermal Substrates
- Nelco 4013
Final Thickness
- 2 Layer - Min .005” Max .250” 14 Layer - Min .054” Max .250”
- 4 Layer - Min .015” Max .250” 16 Layer - Min .062” Max .250”
- 6 Layer - Min .025” Max .250” 18 Layer - Min .093” Max .250”
- 8 Layer - Min .031” Max .250” 20 Layer - Min .125” Max .250”
- 10 Layer - Min .040” Max .250” 22 Layer - Min .125” Max .250”
- 12 Layer - Min .047” Max .250” 24 Layer - Min .125” Max .250”
Core Thickness
- Min .0025”
Maximum Board Size
- 2 Layer 18” x 28”
- Mulitlayer 16” x 26”
Finish Plating
- HASL - Leaded Solder Tin/Nickel
- HASL - Lead Free Solder
- Electroless Soft Gold
- Wire Bondable Soft Gold
- Nickel Flash Gold
- Electroless Nickel
- Immersion Gold OSP
- Electrolytic Nickel /Hard Gold and Selective Gold
- Immersion Silver
- Immersion Tin
- Carbon Ink
Finished Copper - Outer Layers
- 1oz Cu - Min .004” Trace/Space 4oz Cu - Min .010” Trace/Space
- 2oz Cu - Min .005” Trace Space 5oz Cu - Min .012” Trace/Space
- 3oz Cu - Min .008” Trace/Space
Finished Copper - Inner Layers
- .5oz Cu - Min .004” Trace/Space 3oz Cu - Min .010” Trace/Space
- 1oz Cu - Min .005” Trace/Space 4oz Cu - Min .012” Trace/Space
- 2oz Cu - Min .006” Trace/Space
Inner Layer Clearances
- Min .008”
- Minimum Finished Hole Size
- Final Thickness <=.062” - .006’ Hole Final Thickness .150” - .014” Hole
- Final Thickness .093” - .010” Hole Final Thickness .200” - .018” Hole
- Final Thickness .125” - .012” Hole Final Thickness .250” - .020” Hole
Gold Fingers
- 1 to 4 edges
Soldermask Type
- Per IPC-SM-840
- LPI Soldermask
- Peelable Soldermask
Soldermask Colors
- Green/Green Matte White
- Black/Black Matte Clear
- Blue Top and Bottom Mix
- Red One or Both Sides Mix
Silkscreen Type
- Thermal Cure Epoxy Ink LPI Ink
Silkscreen Colors
- White Black
- Yellow Top and Bottom Mix
- Red One or Both Sides Mix
- Blue
CNC Functions
- Scoring Edge to Edge Plated Counterbores
- Skip Scoring - .250” Spacing Milling
- 30 or 60 Degree Score Angle Blind and Buried Vias
- 30 to 100 Degree Countersink Controlled Z Axis Route
- 15 to 45 Degree Gold Finger Bevel Castellated Barrels
- Counterbores Offset or Recessed Beveling
- Plated Countersinks
Other Services
- Plated Slots Specified Dielectric
- Tented Vias Controlled Impedance
- Soldermask Plugged Vias Via Caps (Soldermask)
- Conductive Filled Vias
Quality and Testing
- Inspect to IPC Class III Continuity Resistance - 10 to 20 Ohms
- Net List Test per IPC-356D Isolation Resistance - 2 to 30 Megaohms
- Test Voltage - 100 to 250 Volts Minimum SMT Pitch 0.5 mm
- PTH Hole Size - +/- .002” Front to Back - +/- .002”
- NPTH Hole Size - +/- .001” Soldermask - +/- .002”
- Tooling Holes - +/- .001” Hole to Pad - +/- .005”

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We understand the importance of cost-effective PCBs. Explore our competitive pricing and see how we can help you save money without compromising quality.
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